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Glenwood Little League

Team Parents


Team Parents

So you Registered as a Team Parent! Now What?

Abuse Awareness Training- Required Annually (by manager, coach, team parent, member of the Board of Directors, volunteers and any other person who provides regular services to the league and/or has repetitive access to or contact with players or teams.)  Please attach certificate/proof of completion on your Volunteer Application.
Abuse Awareness Training Course - Little League

EMAIL PARENTS - Send out an email, "Hey I'm the Team Parent"  as soon as you can.  You will need to always keep parents informed of what's going on with the team as well as with the league. 


Field maintenance:

Plan to arrive early to games and help your coaching staff with field prep or recruit parents and fans to help. Fans can help rake the fields before and after the games while the coaches are warming up the players or having their post game meeting. Remind Players to clean up dugout and bleachers after each game. 


What to pack: Snacks are optional but most kids look forward to them after a game.  Typically people bring a drink, a snack like crackers, chips or fruit snacks and a fruit or veggie. Make sure to check in with your team regarding any allergies. 

Create a Sign up: creating a sign up at the beginning of the season that coincides with the game schedule makes it easy to stay organized. Some team parents use a googleform or google spreadsheet. We recommend Signup Genius because it will send an email reminder to anyone who signs up.  Create a Sign Up Genius once you have the game schedule for the season. Go to Free Online Sign Up Forms and select Create A Sign Up. 

Here’s a link with how to instructions:

PICTURE DAY : You will need to pass out the picture order forms and inform the families on your team of your scheduled picture time on Opening Day. 

Matching Team Sweatshirts: Little League rules state that all players on the field during a game must have matching uniforms with the player number on display. This means that if players want to wear a sweatshirt or jacket over their jersey that it needs to match the rest of the team and include their number in a visible location. Team sweatshirts are NOT mandatory, but are encouraged. We have supplied a list of verified and trusted Printers for fan gear (most will offer hoodies as well as tshirts for purchase, and families of players often order some for their “cheering section”).


  • TEAM BASKET: You will need put together a team basket to auction off on Opening Day.  Pick a theme and talk to the families on your team and collect donations so you can purchase the items needed to put the basket together.

    Mariners Little League Days links to purchase tickets will be sent by the Mariners. Teams will have the option to all sit as a group. The Mariners keep a portion of the ticket sales, the rest goes directly to Glenwood Little League to support our fundraising efforts. 

    Hit-A-Thon. Players will compete against other players (in their division only) to see who can raise the most funds as well as get the most hits. There will be some awesome prizes for top teams, top individual fundraisers and more!  

    Candy and Meat Sticks: There will be some awesome prizes for top teams, top individual fundraisers and more!  

    Dining Out Dates: we partner with a local restaurant who will donate a portion of their sales to the league for every customer that says they are there for Glenwood Little League. 

    Score keeping and Umpire Duties

    For Minors and above. Every game needs someone to keep score whether you are the Visitor or Home team (Home team is the official book when questions arise). This is not the responsibility of the Team Parent, but it is good to know how to do because so long as your child is playing ball, it will always be something teams are required to do. It is extremely helpful to your Coaches if the Team Parent tries to recruit Score Keepers for them on the team. Sign Up Genius is a great tool for keeping this organized as well. Our Scorekeeping Coordinator will be holding a clinic to teach people the basics of keeping score. Coaches are required to fulfill Umpire Duties for other team’s games throughout the season and the Team Parent can be extremely helpful in recruiting parents to help cover some of the Umpire Duties.


    Each team will have 1-2 shifts to work, with 6-8 people needed per shift (a typical shift is about 4 hours). Should we find we can in fact open concessions this season, we will send out a detailed letter with what to expect.

    End of Season Party

    Fully optional, though almost every team has one. Often take place at a private home if someone on the team has enough space, pizza restaurants are common and sometimes parties can take place at the fields (this would need to be cleared with the Board).  

    Coaches Gifts:  Gifts for managers and coaches is a wonderful way to show gratitude for the season and are totally optional.  Talk to your parents about pitching in for gifts if you choose to do this. Most teams collect funds to purchase a thank you gift for the Manager and Coaches (plaques, personalized gifts, gift cards are most common but the Internet and Pinterest is your friend in getting creative)


Glenwood Little League

9001 NE 119th ST 
Vancouver, Washington 98662

Email: [email protected]

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